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Encryption: The Ultimate Security Level

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This collaboration is set to revolutionize how sensitive information is managed and protected within ARender, reinforcing its stance as a top-tier solution in document security.

A word from our new technological partner: 

"At Confidencial, our mission is to protect sensitive unstructured data automatically at every stage—creation, exchange, and storage—so that users can focus on what they do best without compromising security. We envision a future where businesses can navigate the explosive growth of unstructured data and escalating cyber threats with confidence, thanks to built-in security that directly protects what is most valuable and vulnerable - data."

Diana L. Sapienza - Head of Alliances & Partnerships at Confidencial

Protecting Your Cloud-Hosted Content With Confidence

Data security is non-negotiable, ARender takes a leap forward with its cutting-edge cloud-ready encryption features. This new era of data protection is made possible through a strategic technological partnership with Confidencial, a pioneering company dedicated to securing sensitive information within and beyond organizational borders

Zero-Trust And Enterprise Key Security

Embrace a Zero-Trust approach where Confidencial ensures maximum security by not having access to your enterprise keys


Full Document Encryption & Selective Encryption

Safeguard entire documents or selectively encrypt specific sections, providing unparalleled control over data protection


Dynamic Content Encryption Within PDFs

Conduct intelligent searches for specific content within a PDF document and automatically encrypt these occurrences, enhancing document security

Zero-Trust Security Model

Digital Threats Are Omnipresent, The Zero-Trust Security Model Emerges As A Revolutionary Paradigm, Challenging Traditional Notions Of Network Security. This Model, Often Entwined With Encryption, Redefines The Approach To Safeguarding Sensitive Information By Acknowledging That Threats May Lurk Both Outside And Within The Network.

Trust No One, Verify Everything

At the heart of the zero-trust model is the fundamental belief that trust should not be assumed for any user, device, or entity, regardless of their position within the network. Instead, everything is subjected to rigorous verification before gaining access to critical resources. This approach recognizes the dynamic nature of modern network environments and the potential for both external and internal threats.

Defending Against External Threats

For external threats attempting to breach the network, encryption acts as an impenetrable barrier. Even if intercepted during transmission or accessed within the storage environment, encrypted data appears as indecipherable ciphertext to unauthorized entities. This ensures that confidential information remains confidential, even in the face of external intrusion attempts.

Mitigating Insider Risks

Equally crucial is the zero-trust model's recognition of potential threats originating from within the organization. Here, encryption serves as a guardian against insider risks. Even employees or entities with legitimate access to the network cannot comprehend encrypted data without the requisite keys, adding an essential layer of protection against internal threats.

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The Best Way To Secure Cloud Hosted Content

Data confidentiality

Encryption ensures that sensitive data remains confidential. When data is encrypted, it is transformed into unreadable ciphertext, and only those with the appropriate encryption key can decrypt and access the original information. This helps protect against unauthorized access and data breaches.

Define encryption rules with precision

Even if a malicious actor gains access to the cloud database, the encrypted data remains incomprehensible without the encryption key, preventing unauthorized viewing or use of sensitive information.

Secure data transmission

Safeguard data not only at rest but also during transmission. When data is transferred to and from the cloud, encryption ensures that it remains protected against interception and eavesdropping. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols are commonly used for encrypting data in transit.

Adaptability across Cloud environments

Encryption is adaptable to various cloud environments and storage solutions. Whether data is stored in a public, private, or hybrid cloud, encryption remains a consistent and effective security measure.

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